3D Object Generator
Powered by A.I.

Use Machine Learning to model 3D Art. Turn photos from your phone into real 3D objects. Digitalize real-world tangible products around you and earn credits for every new product you bring into the Metaverse.

organik app homescreen

Create 3D Wearables


Get paid, FAST

Create 3D Art inspired by real products around you and sell it fast.

Organik Farmers

Join our team of Data-Farmers and help revolutionized the world creating 3D Art for tangible products that exist around you.
Start digitalizing a new item by scanning the barcode and sending at least 3 photos from different angles.
The more you contribute, the more you will earn.

Metaverse ✅ Ready

The data you harvest will be available in our Metaverse 3D Art Marketplace, where other companies can bid on this data and you will earn a fraction of the credits depending on your ownership and how many data-contributors harvested each product.

The Metaverse powered by A.I.

Make money by creating 3D Wearables.
Take your eCommerce to the next level with AR/VR shop.
Scan any product, upload images and confirm your request.
Own your stake of the Metaverse Economy.
Sell your 3D data unified with data-farmers around the globe.
Let our robots help you. A.I. making things smooth for you.


Why Organik?

Your one spot to create your own 3D Art Objects
and wear them directly on the Metaverse.
Unified Machine-Vision models that work for you.
Join the global Data-Union community today!

Create 3D Art

Find a product
Send Photos
Create 3D Art with A.I.


Integrate your 3D Models and sell inside any Augmented Reality Shop.

Organik Graph

Developer access to Organik Graph for all members to 3D Objects.

Monthly Earnings

Sell your 3D Art
Own your piece of the Metaverse.